The annual full-day conference delivered valuable information to investors and businesses and startup leaders in attendance.
On Sunday, December 5th, at the Sheraton Cerritos, TiEcon Southwest 2021 brought together local CEOs, CXOs, Angel Investors, VCs, community leaders, trailblazers, business leaders, and entrepreneurs that experienced a day of compelling speakers and panels that engaged all who attended.
Anshuman Sinha, President of TiE SoCal 2020 – 2021
Attendees at TiEcon 2021, Ashish Saboo, President-Elect & Shankar Ram, chair, TiE SoCal Angels
The day’s program started with a presentation by the President of TiE SoCal Angels, Anshuman Sinha, who shared the history and current state of the TiE SoCal chapter. Under his leadership, the charter membership of the organization grew from 47 to 156 over the past 23 months. He was then recognized for his tireless efforts to build and grow an already successful organization in his two-year tenure by the Chair of TiE SoCal Angels, Shankar Ram, and the past presidents.
Ashish Saboo, Shankar Ram, Anshuman Sinha, Neeraj Bhavani, Vijay Kotrappa
His outstanding accomplishments and leadership in making the Southern California chapter the fastest growing of 61 global chapters over the past year have been recognized by TiE Global leadership.
Anshuman Sinha, President of TiE SoCal got a standing ovation for his contributions. He was also received the Catalyst of the year award by Traction Labs, a New Product and Technology Incubator based in Southern California.
Keynote addresses can sometimes fall short, but Paresh Shah, CEO & Co-Founder at Glimpulse and Harvard MBA delivered what was described as a “great insightful and thought-provoking keynote” and “an amazingly charged speech” by attendees. Recognized by His Holiness the Dalai Lama as a force for global Peace and Compassion, Paresh inspired all by addressing how to be a lifter leader during these times.
Paresh Shah with Ashish Saboo
His pearls of wisdom as to leading a “whole life” and connecting with others using our entire self and not just specific technical skills and talent resonated with all during this current time.
Other featured speakers shared valuable insight on go-to-market strategies for early-stage companies and how to navigate the important topic of cyber security in relation to startup technology platforms. The Women Investor Panel addressed the critical challenges of imbalance within the startup and capital ecosystem when it comes to funding women founders and the need to increase the number of women engaging in startup investments. Board members of the TiE SoCal Angels Fund also shared insights into what they look at when investing in startups and entertained questions from the audience.
Wes Billingslea, Vice President Sales & Marketing at Matchbook AI, presenting Sales GTM Playbook for Early-Stage Companies
Henry Ivey, Cybersecurity Subject Matter Expert
Ashish Saboo & Anshuman Sinha with Women Panel – Rashi Bahri Chitnis, Brenda McCabe, Yvonne Lemus – Bosu & Connie Harrell
Attendees enjoying lunch
Attendees enjoying lunch
Scott Fox, CEO of OC Startup Council and one of the expert panelists who participated in the event shared his thoughts on the conference, “Thanks to TiE for hosting such an informative and fun event. It was a great opportunity to build relationships and make valuable new business connections.” He also stated, “I appreciated the invitation to speak and get to know the dynamic and supportive TiE SoCal Angels community better.” Scott is also a best-selling author, angel investor and OC Startup Council is a service association connecting Orange County software and high tech entrepreneurs, founders, executives, investors, service providers, and community partners to accelerate the OC startup ecosystem.
Ask me anything panel – Monisha Coelho, Roshan Shetty & Scott Fox
A highlight of the afternoon was the fireside chat led by TiE SoCal Chair Shankar Ram with Navneet Chugh, Managing Partner of Chugh, LLP, Imran Habib, Executive Vice President of HAB Bank, Ash Patel, President and CEO of Commercial Bank of California.
Optimistic perspectives on the state of the economy were offered and Ash addressed the importance and future of cryptocurrency within the financial sector. It was observed that though there are still some regulatory challenges that need to be implemented in order to create a ‘fence’ around the cryptocurrency sector, it is here to stay and will be an integral part of the financial industry moving forward.
Ashish Saboo, Shankar Ram, Ash Patel & Anshuman Sinha
The investor panel let by Shankar Ram, Chair, TiE SoCal Angels and panelists comprising of Ajay Prasad and TiE SoCal Angels Fund II Board Members, Vijay Kotrappa, Ramesh Patel, Venkat Tadanki attracted business owners and startup founders. This was a well-received panel where a wealth of knowledge was presented to the attendees in question and answer format.
Ashish Saboo & Anshuman Sinha with Investor Panelists – Vijay Kotrappa, Ajay Prasad, Ramesh Patel, Venkat Tadanki & Shankar Ram
The powerful lineup of speakers throughout the day proved to deliver on the conference theme, Aspire, Augment & Achieve. “Everyone in attendance gained a wealth of knowledge from the dynamic lineup of startup ecosystem experts and the feedback we have already received validates that the conference was a major success,” states Jerry Heikens, Executive Director of TiE SoCal Angels.
Platinum sponsor Commercial Bank of California
Platinum sponsor Chugh firm
Free Covid testing for the attendees
Emcee Ritika Prasad with TiE SoCal President-elect Ashish Saboo
TiE SoCal Charter Members & Volunteers
Attendees at TiEcon
TiE SoCal Charter Members Sanjay Shrivastava, Pawan Gupta & Gaurav Kumar at TiEcon 2021
Anand Mahale & Ashish Saboo
Ashish Saboo, Sonia Gupta and Jerry Heikens
Raffle by the display table sponsors
Networking and having fun at TiEcon Southwest 2021
TiE SoCal Angels is a network of successful entrepreneurs, professionals, and highly educated individuals who are now turning their passion for business into investments and mentorship for the next generation. For more information, please visit
Contact: Jerry Heikens
Cell Phone- (480) 227-4182
Website –
Cell Phone- (480) 227-4182
Website –